Our Pregnancy Journey

At first, I wasn’t going to blog about my pregnancy and then I thought that it would be such a good way to remember this experience and that some of you might be interested in hearing more of my journey and what it was like for me! Each trimester was so different from the others, so I’ll talk about them individually. So here it goes!


The First Trimester

This first part of pregnancy was full of so many different emotions. Zach and I were SO excited when we found out and couldn’t have been happier! But we also quickly felt anxiety, worrying about the future and if things would go smoothly.

You typically don’t go to the doctor until you’re eight weeks along, we didn’t get to go until ten weeks and I’ll be honest - I felt more anxious than happy until we got to go the hear good news that our little baby was healthy. I wish that wasn’t the case, and the Lord definitely taught me a lot about trusting in him during that time.

I can’t even count the number of times I got asked how we found out and how I told Zach. I’m sorry to disappoint but it definitely wasn’t romantic or picture perfect haha. I took a test in the morning before we both went to work because we suspected that I might be pregnant, and we couldn’t wait until later because we both wanted to know for sure! The test was positive, and we were both so happy and starting crying. We told family and a couple close friends pretty quickly, but chose to wait and tell most others or announce until the end of the first trimester. It was hard to keep the secret, but I’m glad we made that choice because it was what made us feel the most comfortable and that’s all that matters.

As far as symptoms and cravings in the first trimester, I definitely felt extra tired and just kind of blah all the time. I got sick several times, but didn’t have it as rough as I could have for sure. I craved pizza and mac and cheese, but let’s be real – I craved that before I was pregnant.

Our favorite things: telling our family & getting our sonogram!


The second trimester

This was by far the best! I felt much better, had more energy and even started to show a little. I started to feel the baby kick towards the end and I absolutely loved that. With the marker of entering the second trimester there came a little more peace for Zach and I, and I felt myself relaxing into just being excited. We announced we were pregnant and I started to let myself plan and dream and we started on our registry. Man was that overwhelming, especially at first. There is so much stuff out there for babies, I mean wow!

Something really fun that we did during this time was go on a trip to San Diego. We started our trip with family but stayed a few extra days and counted that as our babymoon. We had a wonderful time! In fact, I might write a more in-depth post about that trip because we loved everything we got to do and we took a lot of cool pictures!

Another thing we were looking forward to in the second trimester was finding out the gender of our baby. I had thought I might want to be surprised, but we decided to go ahead and find out – we’re both planners and Zach really wanted to know. And I’m glad we found out! One thing we did do was decide to keep the name a secret for just us to know until the baby was born and I have absolutely LOVED this! It’s been wonderful to know we were having a little girl and call her by name, but it’s definitely extra special for that to be just ours.

Our favorite things: finding out the gender & our babymoon!


The third Trimester

As I finish writing this post I’m 39 weeks, so I’m close to the end and we are getting ready to meet our baby girl! So far the third trimester has been good, but so different than the others. I definitely started feeling larger and more uncomfortable. During this trimester, my bump got big enough that even people who didn’t know me started wishing us congrats and asking all sorts of questions. I also can’t get around like I used to – it’s all waddling at this point and bending down is quite difficult haha. Getting good sleep has also been challenging - I’ve always been able to sleep through anything and so waking up to go to the bathroom several times and just because I’m uncomfortable is a new experience for me.

I had started nesting well before this point, but the urge to get things ready really kicked into gear. It even spread to other areas of the house like the kitchen and even my clothes haha. We have been slowly acquiring things we needed for her and the nursery, but we had our baby shower in January and then finally started picking out decorations for her room. It’s been so fun to choose things we love and want her to have in her room as she grows up. I’m planning on posting a blog post with some pictures of her room once it’s all done!

We started feeling our girl move and kick in the second trimester, but as she got bigger, the kicks did as well. I still love seeing my stomach wiggle like crazy and that we both can feel her every move – I think I might really miss that part of pregnancy! As far as what we’ve been feeling emotionally – we are obviously getting more and more excited as we get closer to meeting our girl. I think we are most excited to finally see what she looks like! It also feels surreal – we both have days where we think this can’t be really happening. I think the most challenging thing about where we are now is that babies come whenever they want to and so she could arrive before her due date or even come late. We are both planners, so that anxiety is creeping back in because we have no idea when she’ll decide to make her appearance. And to be totally honest, the waiting game is HARD, y’all. Yet another reminder of how we have to trust in the Lord and His perfect timing.

Our favorite things: big baby kicks & how close we are to meeting our girl!!

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Thanks for following along and reading all about my first pregnancy and our journey so far. These past nine months have made us stand in awe of our creator and taught us so much about trust and patience. We are so grateful we’ve gotten to share in this amazing experience together. All in all we are just so excited and can’t wait for this new adventure. Come on and change our lives little girl, we’re ready for ya!

xo, sarah

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