SZP Turns ONE!

Well guys, today marks one year since we officially and legally started Sarah Zimmerman Photography. How crazy is that? It feels like forever ago that we started this journey into being small business owners, but also it feels so new and uncertain all at the same time. Working in the creative industry and as a small business owner hasn’t been what I expected at all, and it’s grown me a lot! We’ve learned so much about photography and running a business, but also about my strengths and weaknesses, and what it looks like to work alongside my husband. So in honor of our business anniversary I wanted to share 8 things we’ve learned throughout this last year!


eight things we've learned along the way!

1.Running a business is hard work-who would have thought??

I thought when we started on this journey that it would be so fun to start my own business and that everything would be easy because I loved what I was doing. Which, don’t get me wrong, Zach and I love what we do, and everything is amazing, but it comes with its fair share of hard work too. Over the course of this last year there has been a lot of hustle, many late nights, and moments where I thought I should just quit. But every time we thought it would be easier to give up, something reminded us that it is worth it. There’s something so rewarding about hard work and moving consistently towards something and it’s easy to forget that.

2.Being your own boss is not always easy

Something that no one tells you is that being your own boss is unfamiliar territory - there are no rules or precedents because you are in charge. You call the shots and establish the systems… I’ll be honest and say that I’m a bit of a perfectionist so this is still something that’s intimidating for me! I really want to do things the right way and I’m still growing in what it means to create and develop a brand that genuinely represents us and our heart for this business and make decisions that line up with that. Decisions are hard!

3.Being your own boss is amazing

Wait I thought you said that it was hard? Yep. Being your own boss is hard work, but it’s also the best. It means that we can choose to take less weddings per year so that we can really love and serve our clients, that we have the freedom to take time off to spend quality time with each other or friends if we need to, and that we have the ability to work towards things not only the things that make our our business run, but those things that we dream of for the future.

4.I love learning new things

I’ve always loved learning - I was an avid reader all growing up and loved the opportunities I had in college to learn and explore new topics. I’ve said before that I started this business almost by accident and I’d chalk it up to simply wanting to try something new and then falling in love. I had dabbled in photography and have always loved weddings so when the opportunity arose to learn first hand about wedding photography I jumped on it and then it turned into so much more! There is so much to learn about photography, and working in the creative industry - together we’ve learning so many new skills like editing, marketing, bookkeeping, and building a website… and the more we learn, the more things we find that we want to keep growing and educating ourselves about!

5.we love working with our clients!

Our heart has always been to serve others - it’s something we both feel called to and find purpose in. This business has been another way for us to do that and we’re so grateful for the opportunities that have come up and the amazing people that we have gotten to know and serve! is personal (and always on the mind)

Zach and I find ourselves talking about our ideas and dreams for our business all the time. At first we tried hard to leave work at work, but slowly we’ve come to realize that this kind of work isn’t just work - it’s personal. It’s fulfilling and enjoyable, and creative and fun and challenging all at the same time. We love having conversations about how we can work smarter and dreaming up big things for the future. It’s been so fun working together to grow this part of our lives!

7.Comparison is the thief of joy

Believe me, I’ve learned this the hard way. I think that we all know this to be true and yet we still compare - we compare our ideas, our success, our lives, you name it. I’ve found this year that I struggle with doubting myself the most when I compare to others around me. Not just others in my industry, but really anyone, because in doing so, I am allowing their version and definition of success to change my own. But we are all unique. It’s amazing how when you believe in yourself you can focus on what you love and look around in support and admiration rather than comparison- I have to remind myself of this often because it’s so hard to hold onto but I find something beautiful happens whenever I do.

8.We’re better together.

Zach has been such a huge part of making this business happen. I’d seriously be lost without him and I know it sounds cheesy but it’s the truth! He’s a constant encourager, second opinion, proofreader (although he’d rather not be lol), and the true strategic and motivated CEO of Sarah Zimmerman Photography. Although working together can test our patience sometimes, we wouldn’t trade it. This idea carries over into a bigger meaning too - having friends and support in whatever you’re doing is so important.


Think we’re the ones for you? Let’s work together!