Dubsado: One Of My Favorite Resources

Hey guys- Zach here!

I know I never handle the blogging on here, but I wanted to hop on and share one of my favorite resources that we have invested in during this little journey called business ownership! Now, I won’t kid myself and pretend that we are “influencers” or educators in the photography field, but I do know that we have some friends out there that are photographers or some with dreams of starting their own business- so this is for all of you!

When we first started our business, while Sarah was handling all of the pretty Instagram posting and working with all of our clients, I was trying to handle and get a grasp on most of the behind-the-scenes business stuff: contracts, invoicing, questionnaires, etc. It was a lot of work- even with the small numbers of clients we had at the time! So, we decided, if we were going to have any semblance of a relaxing or normal life- we needed to change something!

Insert Dubsado- a business management software that allows us to store all of our client’s information, track our leads, accept payments, and (my favorite) automate automate automate!

dubsado has been life-changing!

I cannot believe that for so long, I had to worry about using 3+ different systems to get HALF of the functionality that I get with Dubsado today! It has given me back so much time in the evenings and has let Sarah and I kick back, relax, and let Dubsado do so much of our work for us! Because Dubsado has been so amazing, I am sharing the three reasons we chose Dubsado as our business CRM over the numerous other CRMs out there!

three reasons why we chose dubsado for our Business crm

  1. Contracts and Invoicing- One of the main reasons we chose Dubsado as our CRM is that we could handle both contracts and invoices in one, unified, system. This was a huge plus for us, because, at first, we were using two different systems, which was incredibly difficult to manage! Using Dubsado has allowed us to be so much more organized and keep everything in one place!

  2. Questionnaires and client information- One of the things that we do with all of our clients is send out a questionnaire before their wedding. This allows us to get all of the information that we will need before their wedding, so we can make sure to keep everything organized and make sure we don’t stress the bride and groom out on their big day!

  3. Dubsado Support and Growth- One of the biggest pluses for us when deciding between Dubsado and the many other business CRMs was the fact that they were so new but had grown so much! To me, having a Support Team that is looking to constantly make their product better is a huge deal! They already had all of the features that some of the bigger companies had, and they are constantly working to be better! Their Support Team is amazing and always help us out incredibly fast! I am so excited for what they have planned for the future of Dubsado!

Now- why am I writing this blog post now?


Because- Dubsado is having a super sale this week through Wednesday, July 31 at 10 am pst! You can save $5 a month, or $50 on a yearly plan by signing up before Wednesday! AND- if you want 20% off your first month OR first year- you can use the code SZPDUBSADO when signing up! You can even get the 20% off in addition to this crazy sale price!

For any of my entrepreneur friends that are interested, you can check out Dubsado’s website by using the button below! And as always- if you have any questions about Dubsado, or want any more information about how it has changed our business- shoot us an email!

Dubsado coffee cup that says “The Little Victories” on it