Meet Sarah!


The last few blog posts have been about engagement and the wedding process, but if you’re wondering who I am or how I got started in photography, these next few posts are for you! I share bits and pieces about myself on social media, but I thought I’d write some blog posts and share more!

First, just some fun facts about me:

  • Almost everything in my house and in my closet is from target

  • I love pasta!

  • I’m notoriously indecisive

  • I’m a neat freak - I love to organize and clean!

  • We have two dogs and although I’m constantly cleaning up their hair, I wouldn’t trade them for anything!

I grew up and went to college in Waco, Tx. I was always reluctant to go to Baylor, because I wanted to experience a new city, but it ended up being the most amazing decision - I loved my time in college! 

Growing up, I loved stories and read all the time. My mom would find me totally asleep, book in hand almost every night! Reading was such a big part of my life, it sparked a love for being creative and telling stories. I loved writing and playing music - and was even a music major for a year in college!

But even more than stories, I’ve always loved getting to know people and serving others. A huge part of my life was spent serving at summer camp, which is actually where I met my husband, Zach! We dated our last three years of college and got married right after graduation. We’ve been married for a little over two years now! I say all the time that marrying Zach was the best thing that’s ever happened, and I mean it! Just living life together has been the best.

I believe that being a wedding photographer combines both my love for telling stories as well as my passion for getting to know and serve others. I have loved being able to document my clients’ most meaningful memories and I am so thankful that I get to keep doing it! 

That’s just a little more about me, but tune in next week to hear more about how this photography journey started almost on a whim!

like what you see? lets work together!