My Photography Journey

Zimmerman Lumen Room Shoot-20.JPEG

Hey there!

This week I’m sharing more about my journey to becoming a wedding photographer. It’s not something I ever expected would be part of my story, but I’m sure glad I ended up here!

Growing up, I never thought I would have a job as a photographer. I mean maybe as a little kid dreaming up all sorts of things like being a princess, traveling the world as a photojournalist, and being a famous musician, right?

So if I never planned on it, how did it end up happening? Well, here’s the story. I have always loved weddings, even as a girl, but when Zach and I got engaged and I was planning our wedding, I realized that I might want to work in the wedding industry! I thought that I might want to be a planner, and even applied for jobs while I was getting my masters. 

None of those jobs worked out, but I did end up carrying bags for our very own wedding photographer Elisabeth Carol Bean one summer after our wedding. Helping out Elisabeth and talking with her about her job made me realize that I loved the photography side of weddings also. So, I decided to buy a camera and learn to second shoot for her! Little did I know, that learning to shoot weddings with her would lead me to starting my own business. 

It’s funny because as much as I say it surprises me, how when I look back I can see how it also make sense that I’ve ended up here, as a wedding photographer. From a young age, I’ve always loved stories and being creative. I devoured books as a kid, and some of my favorites quickly became the classic love stories. One of my favorite things during the holidays was hearing my family tell stories about growing up together as they looked through old photo albums. I started playing violin at the age of 5 and thought for the longest time that I wanted to be a performing musician, and even majored in that in college for a year! Then I realized that what really set my soul on fire was serving others. I changed my major to psychology and am currently pursuing my licensure as a professional counselor in addition to my photography work. 

Let me tell you, owning a small business is not for the faint of heart! Zach has loved coming on board and helping with the business side of things, he’s so good at that stuff and compliments me well! It’s our dream to work full time together one day! This photography business started by what almost seems like an accident, but it so beautifully combines all the things I love into one- getting to know people, getting to hear and share their stories, and serving them by capturing some of the most beautiful moments of their lives!

To find out more about us, click here!


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